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We know that you have the choice of thousands of providers, especially through the internet, and that there is a great deal of trust required in order for you to choose our company over others. Your trust in us is something we take very seriously and our reputation hangs on our ability to deliver. We are totally confident that we can provide the highest level of service to you and every client that chooses to trust us with their booking. Below are a few notes to consider about us;

1. We are SATSA Bonded


Botswana Safari Company [under our registered company Thom Media and Travel Pty Ltd] is a bonded member of the South African Tourism Services Association. As a bonded SATSA member


  • Have Integrity: Adhere to a strict Code of Conduct.

  • Are Legitimate: Company registration checked annually, and assurance provided that they are legally allowed to use their trading name

  • Are Financially Stable: Solvency checks are conducted annually

  • Are Legally Compliant: In accordance to regulations governing the tourism industry

  • Are Insured: Appropriate insurance cover with minimum indemnity limits

  • Are Bonded*: Your pre-tour deposits are guaranteed

The SATSA logo signifies our integrity and commitment to the highest service levels as an African travel facilitator. You can see our SATSA Certificate here.


2. Knowledge


We have been around; we have guided, driven, walked, paddled, flown, quad-biked, cruised and slept under the stars in many parts of wildest Africa. We have also made friendships and established associations over many years with quality partners in the travel industry - and now we are able to share our network and our knowledge with you so that you can enjoy the beauty, the inspiration, the rejuvenation and the excitement that only Africa's wildlife, her people and wild places can.


The internet is a wonderful thing but it is also overwhelming and misleading, we know these places and lodges intimately - so let us unscramble the information overload and provide you with the best solutions.


3. 24/7 Support


We are here, on the right time zone, just a phone call away if there is a problem or any form of support required.


4. Price


We understand that travel is expensive and it is our mission to provide you with the best experience for what you are willing to spend. In the safari world, like everywhere, you get what you pay for. If you are given a comparative itinerary which is considerably cheaper there will be a good (or usually bad) reason...


The internet is a powerful source of information and all the specials and offers provided to you online are also provided to us in the travel industry to pass on to you - you pay the same price whether you book yourself online or through us. We do our utmost to make you aware of every item that is included and not included in an itinerary.


5. Conservation


We are genuinely passionate about and pro-active in conservation.  The threats which face wildlife and wild places in Africa are many and complex! In order to preserve our planet for future generations, we need to take action and support effective organisations that are focused on this. A portion of funds from every trip booked with us, is taken out of our pockets for conservation and donated to the Wilderness Trust. Over the last few years, we have donated funds for lion collaring and monitoring programs, we have donated funds towards rhino conservation and translocation, we have given numerous items to conservation charities and we continue to forge relations with conservation bodies that are doing good work in Africa. You can read more here >


We promote authentic experiences in natural places. If you want to pet a lion or visit an animal park we are not the safari company for you.


6. Let us do the legwork


Planning flights, transfers, waiting for availability, talking on the phone, searching the internet all takes time - so let us do it for you! That is what we are here for. It is easy enough booking a week's holiday at a beach resort but putting together a complex safari itinerary and connecting the dots is what we are good at.


7. See what our clients say


If you want the final word about us and what we do, then let it be from our clients - we have consistently delivered over the years and the feedback from our clients confirms it. If you would like to have a word or make contact with any of them we will be willing to put you in touch.

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